Discover Andria
Of the origins of Andria there are traces that presage its existence since the prehistory, perhaps founded by the Greek Diomedes, hero of the war of Troy, from whose native island (Andros) it seems can derive the name of Andria.
Andria, city of extra virgin olive oil with its typical “Coratina”, the red wine of Nero di Troia grape and the rosé wine of Bombino Nero grape, the famous burrata, invented in the early 1900s by Lorenzo Bianchino Chieppa, and the typical confetti created by Nicola Mucci in 1894, was a city loved by the Emperor Frederick II of Swabia between the XII and the XIII century. The remains of two of the Emperor’s wives, Yolande of Brienne and Isabella of England, are buried in the cathedral of Andria. In the territory of Andria, moreover, Frederick II has built in 1240 the eight-sided famous bulding, a symbol of the entire Puglia Region, a destination for thousands of tourists from all over the world every year: the Castel del Monte.
What to visit
Castel Del Monte
Castel del Monte has an exceptional universal value for the perfection of its forms, the harmony and the fusion of cultural elements coming from the North of Europe, the Muslim world and classical antiquity. It is a unique masterpiece of medieval architecture, which reflects the soul of its founder: Frederick II of Swabia.
With this motivation, in 1996, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee gathered in Merida (Mexico), included in the World Heritage List the castle, which was built by Frederick II of Swabian around 1240.

Alta Murgia National Park
The Park, established in 2004, is one of the biggest in Italy. Stretching from the Adriatic coast to the uplands of Lucania, the Alta Murgia National Park is home to Italy’s last example of Mediterranean steppe. The plateau, which is largely made up of limestone and tufa rock and clay deposits, abounds with mushrooms, tassel hyacinths, wild asparagus, and king trumpet mushrooms.
The greenery is dotted with drystone constructions, once used to pen animals during the seasonal transhumance. Imposing and majestic masserie, some of which are fortified like true castles, were the vibrant centres of the local agricultural economy from the 15th century onwards.
Typical products of the territory



Popular events
Festival Castel Dei Mondi
Theater and music festival which takes place annually at the end of summer in Castel del Monte and in various places in the centre of Andria.